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Meditation with Horses

Join us for our monthly Meditation!

Meditation with Horses is our offering to our community to create a space for connection, relaxation, and enjoyment. During this 90 minute group we will go over a brief introduction to Medicine Horse, we will learn a bit about one another, and then we will move into our meditation practice. This practice will shift month-by-month, but will always center around touching into the present moment and witnessing the magic of horses. We will always do our best to provide time for connection with our many animals on the farm.

Why do we meditate with horses?

Horses have the amazing ability to always be in the present moment. They are embodied animals who reflect back to us whatever we bring into their space. This encourages us to begin to pay attention to ourselves, our environment, and the beings around us. Simply put horses help us arrive in the here and now and encourage us to take a deep breath.


Cost: $35

Each meditation session is capped at 10 people!

Tickets are priced at $35, but you're welcome to donate more; all proceeds will support Medicine Horse

and help keep our therapy programs free!

Meet the Facilitator

Nicole Murray

Howdy! My name is Nicole Murray and I will be your Meditation with Horses facilitator.


I found meditation and mindfulness on my personal journey to address challenges with anxiety. As is true for many of us, I it was hard to be in the moment and found myself rushing from thing to thing on my to-list, often getting stuck in ruminating thoughts and patterns which had a profound impact on my mental health and the relationships with those most important to me.


Meditation, yoga, and mindfulness have been incredibly supportive for me in learning about myself and how I relate to the world, as well as letting go of what I cannot control. As a result, I have been building my meditation practice over the past six years. There are certainly times I’m able to be more consistent than others and meditation has helped me do better at leaning into my humanity and meeting myself where I’m at with grace. Horses and animals have also been a primary support for me throughout my life, so bringing meditation together with horses and sharing the experience with a group of people seeking connection feels pretty special to be able to do.


I have been interning with Medicine Horse since June 2023 and will be graduating from the University of Denver’s Graduate School of Social Work this June with a Master in Social Work degree and Human-Animal-Environment Interactions in Social Work certificate. My post-graduation goal is to continue to grow and practice as a clinical social worker implementing somatic experiencing, mindfulness, humanistic, and relational approaches including interactions with horses and the natural environment. I look forward to connecting with you through the healing power of horses and meditation.

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